Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Craftroom Tour Tickets, Now Available!

Ha-Ha! Not selling tickets, but I do have my craftroom tour open now. I am still tweaking and organizing in here, but decided it was "now or never" to get some photos up on my little blog. I know I will never have it perfectly cleaned or decorated.  :)

If you are interested in a personal tour, just head on over! I always have a pot of coffee ready.

Thanks for popping in, ~Tisha


  1. Such a wonderful space! Love the bright, happy green on the walls.

  2. Fabulous, organized craft room Tisha, fun walls and what a great place to be creative.

    Best of the New Year.


  3. Awesome! Thanks for showing what you have in your cubes... I often think about buying more for my room, but don't know what to put in there. Love that little cushion for your kitty to sleep in the sun :)

  4. Ohh a room tour, I love looking at craft rooms :)

  5. I checked it out and wow! Fabulous.
    I have to agree. If my room is ever perfectly organized it's usually for like one day!

  6. Wowee, Tisha, your space is fantastic and love that your kitty has a spot as well! Great tip about the cut thread from sewing, I always seem to find a piece well after the fact! :)

  7. Loved the tour! thanks for sharing!
